Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weigh Anchor!?

I realize it has been a very long time since we last posted, so it should be obvious that many things have happened/changed between then and now. It should be. What a shame it would be were I to write: "6 months later, all is the same as when we last checked in". We, at least ought to be changing, regardless of our circumstances. And we are, and so are they.

I don't know that it's necessary to explain all that has changed and how it has led us to where we are now and where we are going, because we probably don't understand if fully either, and because I already wrote and deleted a whole huge explanation. Suffice it to say, God has begun to stir some things inside Michael and I which have brought us to the decision that it is time to make the move away from Thousand Pines and California and make berth in the land of Port, in the state of Oregon. We barely know anyone there or anything about Portland, but the people we do know there and what little we know of the place makes it seem irresistible.

I keep writing things here which would further explain, maybe even try to justify our decision in your eyes, but it just doesn't work. Not here, not without conversation. The truth of it is, we are going on an adventure, stepping out in faith, and we can hardly contain our excitement! We have decided to make our move this coming March, after the Winter season is over here at TP. We will be sad to say goodbye to our family here, a little bit scared of the unknown, but mostly exhilarated at experiencing something completely new together and further discovering God through it all.

We look forward to updating you more as the journey continues, but this will have to do for now. And now we begin the process of pulling up our anchor in preparation for our journey to Portland and all that awaits us there. May you also be found in the midst of your own adventure. Life is too short and the world is too big to sit on your haunches in one place!