Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dancing Through Life

I think it's safe to
say that we've always had those moments where we want to scream "why can't it just be easy!" or we simply don't want to have to think about our actions or even care about the people around us. I have those moments a lot. There more like phases than moments really.

As I, Katie, have recently found myself in one of those phases, I found conviction and encouragement from an unexpected source: Wicked, the musical. This song, Dancing Through Life, has been on repeat in my brain for the last week, particularly this portion:

"Life is fraught-less
When you're thoughtless
Those who don't try
Never look foolish
Dancing through life
Mindless and careless
Make sure you're where less trouble is rife
Woes are fleeting, blows are glancing
When you're dancing through life!"

At first listen, dancing through life sounds so attractive: it's "fraught-less", you'll "never look foolish", "woes are fleeting" and "blows are glancing". Man, how do I get that?! Oh, I have to be thoughtless, I can't ever try anything, I have to be "mindless and careless" and basically run from trouble like a coward? Hm...that actually sounds horribly meaningless and even lonely.
Through this lyrical satire, I was reminded that painful experiences are a natural part of a life that desires to be real, a life that is full of purpose and depth, one that is actually participating in forward motion.

While this epiphany may not have cured me of all anxieties, I do feel sufficiently encouraged to face what is ahead. As Michael and I tighten up our belts financially and as I face my fears and look toward going back to school in the spring, I will remind my
self that it is all worth it because my desire is not to dance through life -- I want to dig into it.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. I found myself nodding through most of this post and mentally murmuring, "Oh, I get true!" Keep battling those anxieties and keep digging into life.

    Also, tell me what you're going to be studying in the spring. I'm a horrible communicator so I have no idea what your plans are for the future, but I'm a horrible communicator that loves you and wants to know.

